Before there were humans, there were devas. Devas are in charge of all
the matter of the physical world. They are the agents of God the Mother,
whom you may know as the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit, the goddess, or
even Dark Matter. The creative intelligence of the Divine Feminine (the
mother, mater, matter, material) is what figures out how to create matter
to support manifestation of our world around us.
When humans developed a physical body instead of just being a cloud of
nebulous substance, we worked with the devas to create those bodies. Your physical body is not you. It is your deva. Your Guardian Angel.
What is a deva?
In Buddhism, devas are highly evolved beings who inhabit different levels of existence. They are commonly associated with great beauty and bliss. Today, devas are comparable to angels, nature spirits, or fairies. But long ago, deva was a Sanskrit word for god, and was originally considered to
be a feminine term, as god was perceived to be the Great Mother. We shall be working with Her children. They are conscious beings who want to work with us as long as we don’t harm them.