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Practical Magic: Grimoire Goodies

There are two terms that come up to refer to books that those who work with magic have in their possession. One is known as a Grimoire (say grim-wahr) and the other is called a Book of Shadows (also known as a BOS). You will find that there are more magical folks who keep a BOS, than a Grimoire. A BOS is a witch’s personal diary and record of magic. It will include dreams and their meanings, ideas for rituals, and entries about magical experiences.

The Grimoire  can also include spells and other magical information needed to perform magic, but it will not include personal information. It’s pretty and informative, but you won’t write in it. You might copy things from it into your Book of Shadows.

While it is always a good idea to keep records of your magical workings and research, it is not a good idea to share this information with just anyone. Your Book of Shadows is kept to help you record what works and what doesn’t, make note of what you want to try again and what you’ll change next time.