Let us celebrate the Ash Moon with a faerie picnic, art, and magic! This moon cycle, the energy is all about how relationships and cooperation bring forth Creation. You are a creator. At this time of year, all of Nature works with different faeries to create a world of beauty. This year, you get to help.
Fairies are elemental energy beings which supervise the life cycles of their assigned plants. They joyously attend to their task, loving the plant through its entire cycle from seed to seed. To help their plants grow and flower, the fairies take on an appearance similar to the flowers and plants they supervise. They sing to their growing plant friends, putting forth joy into the light of the sun or the moisture of the raindrops. They dance to teach the plants to grow in matching unfolding patterns. All of Nature sings the One Song - the UniVerse. You can sing and dance to help!
NOTE: There is also a Feng Shui Workshop for the Ash Moon