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Practical Magic for Spring

As you have become more  comfortable making magic, it is only natural that you want to make your home more magical for the coming Spring season. Start with your typical Spring Cleaning, smudging with sage, and salting the doors and thresholds. Then turn up the volume on your enchanting environmental statements!

Springtime Sentries at the Threshold

After sweeping and cleaning the inside and outside of your doorway and door, add a dozen daisies to guard your home. Daisies are named for Days’ Eyes, Deos’ Eyes, or Eyes of God.

Choosing to add a dozen aligns intentional protection under the 12 signs of the Zodiac, keeping your place safe against all intruders. It doesn’t matter what your Daisy Door Decor looks like. What matters is that you intend to use this flower for this purpose and that you DO.