Goddess of the Night: Lady Luna
The Moon is the first of the heavenly spheres and the closest celestial light to our terrestrial home. Because we are intimately connected to her, she is a central figure in our personas and our social consciousness.
Meet the planet and goddess of Feelings, the Feminine, and All Waters: Earth’s only natural satellite and the brightest object in our night sky, fascinates us with its romance and mystery. Always changing, the Lady of the Night travels through the zodiac faster than any other celestial body, and so she is always moving too.
The most ancient Greek goddess associated with the Moon is Artemis, twin sister of Apollo. The Romans called her Diana. These goddesses were known protectors of women, especially single women, as they were single themselves. They never gave up their personal dominion to any man, and so made sure men didn’t take away the personal dominion of any woman. They were huntresses, using the bow and arrow - a weapon without metal, which is how you know they were before the time that metal was used on Earth, as you have seen in the helmets of Athena and Mars. Soft spoken, but fiercely intense, she was always seen with dogs - hunting hounds - and deer - the highest level herbivore in the forest. Make no mistake, her weapon was not for hunting food. It was for protection.