Ouranus or Uranus? Let’s start with his name. Which is Greek. Pronounce the first vowels as oo, like in boo or zoo. Drop the sound of the Y in you. So say: OO-rahn-us or oo-RAHN-us, but not YOU-rain-us.
Hiding in plain sight is his ancient Anunnaki name of UrANUs. Anu was the god of the sky, King of the gods, and ancestor of all the gods. He is the same as the Egyptian god RA - URAnus. Ra was the king of all the gods and the father of all creation.
Uranus is the sky and all its lifegiving glory. His consort Gaia is the earth and all the lifeforms she creates. He gives the breath of life to all Gaia’s children, whether they are of the human, animal, plant, or mineral kingdom. Uranus was afraid of losing his power to the his children, and so he tried to control them all, which all parents now know never works for long.