Jupiter is the planet of good luck and expansion. Every time it comes to visit, opportunities present themselves and benefits shower the house it is visiting. Jupiter rules wealth and brings real financial gain wherever it goes.
It also paints a bigger picture, encouraging you to think bigger. Like Santa has reindeer, Jupiter comes with eight dearly beloved blessings: vision, faith, optimism, adventure, loyalty, justice, confidence, and wisdom.
This planet takes twelve years to circumnavigate the solar system, visiting each of us for a year, and then moving on. Jupiter is currently in Taurus, where it will conjunct Uranus on April 20, 2024. How will this affect you? Look to which house in your chart hosts Taurus. Wherever that is, you will have some major transformations that you will have to come to terms with, and then deal with the changes as gracefully as you can.
NOTE: The entire year's workshops on Astrology are included in my first book on Astrology, Our Planetary Family: Attitudes & Influences, which is available from my bookstore at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/bookstore