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Practical Magic: Animal Encounters

Close Encounters of the WILD Kind

When you have an eye-to-eye encounter with any wild animal, including a feral cat or stray dog, there is a moment during which time pauses. You freeze. They freeze. Nobody blinks. Neither of you move. There is an invisible ribbon of energy that spins out from your heart to their heart. The connection is made between you without a sound.

And then they are gone…and you are in a moment of snap back when time restarts and so does your heartbeat. You will look around to see if anyone else witnessed what you just did, but there is no one there. This was entirely your experience. And the animal’s. You wonder if it really happened, but you feel the adrenaline and know it did.

Furthermore, if this wasn’t an encounter in the “real” world, it was still an encounter in your world and theirs, regardless of the dimension. So, should this happen to you “only in your mind,” it has still happened and the results are just as “real.”