Starting from:


Folk Magic

Traditional or Folk Witchery

A person who practices the healing wisdom of their ancestors is usually tied to their birthplace, living within 5 miles of the place where they were born. This bond is not only to the family and the people of the area, but to the land itself, the flora and fauna, and even the waters. People who are in harmonious alignment with their environment are so attuned to the natural world that the scent of the air or the direction the wind reveals much to them. They know the Spirit of the Land. They have an access to a wealth of information about healing, including the use of spoken words, physical charms and talismans, and herbal concoctions that may date back generations before their time. They wouldn’t practice this folk magic unless they had seen it work, repeatedly, in their lifetimes and had learned how to perform the healing at the side of their mentor.