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Feng Shui Workshop on the Celestial Animals in January

The Celestial Animals dance around you wherever you go, stationing themselves according to the position of your heart, the beating source of your life force and chi.  

From your point of view, facing forward, the Golden Cicada sings in your heart, as it stays anchored in the center of your chest.

Behind you stands the Black Tortoise, with its shell shielding your back, protecting you from all sorts of harm. The proverbial “knife in the back” would either paralyze or kill you, physically or emotionally, so the Tortoise protects you from both. The Tortoise always “has your back.”

The Green Dragon flies at your left, no matter which way you turn. This energy supports new beginnings and upward movement. Since Dragons fly, your Green Dragon support should be taller than your head when you are standing.

The White Tiger stands at your right. (You can remember that WHITE and RIGHT rhyme.) This energy hovers about waist high, as tall as a tiger’s back would be if one were walking beside you. White Tiger energy brings completion and finalization, and so should be strong in places where you close deals or end days.

The Red Phoenix flies before you, dancing in the air as far as your vision can reach, keeping you aware of what is coming toward you through both space and time. If your vision is blocked, so is your chi. Keep windows clean, sidewalks clear, and bangs trimmed!