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Feng Shui for the Reed Moon

As the Wheel of the Year moves to the Reed Moon lunation, people feel the tug to return to their families. For some, this means a trip to see parents or grandparents. For others, there is no home there anymore. That hole in your heart that yearns for reconnection can be filled by YOU when you activate Feng Shui cures in the Golden Cicada, White Tiger, and Green Dragon areas. Home is where your heart is, regardless of who is alive or dead or estranged or divorced or whatever. The thing to do is tend to your heart, and the mind will settle right in. 

All life begins in water. The roots of the reed go deeply into the water for nourishment. These roots are the strongest part of the reed. At this time of year, you will find secret strength in your realignment with family. Look to the strengths you have learned from them, even if they taught you to be strong rather than setting that example. Strive to encourage  others by identifying their weaknesses as gifts and then building a bridge from there. Blood will tell. Feel the heartbeat. Here are specific ways to settle into the loving warmth of the Reed Moon of Health, Home, and Hearth.