Existence of Dragons in Real Life
Dragons are among the most popular and enduring of the world’s mythological creatures. Dragon tales are known in almost every culture, from the Americas to Europe, Greece to Russia, and from India to China. These stories date back as far as 3000 BC.
“The serpent is symbol and prototype of universal savior, who redeems the Worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself, and the realization of good and evil.” - Manly P Hall: The Secret Teachings of all Ages
For much of history, dragons were sometimes useful and protective, other times harmful and dangerous. That changed with the spread of Christianity. In the Christian cultures, dragons were sinister and Satanic, and just needed killing.
The worldwide belief in dragons was not just considered a story. There was hard evidence, after all in every country. With no knowledge of dinosaurs, giant bones were proof! What other answer could there be?