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Continuing Feng Shui Education: Study Zones

Tips for Creating an Effective Study Space

Whether you are on a path of self-directed study, you are taking online classes, or you attend classes, managing the environmental energies of your Study Zone can facilitate your success.

It can be easy for students to get distracted by a variety of things while studying, such as doing dishes, starting laundry, or deciding to make a snack. Because of this, setting up a dedicated study space at home can help keep you focused. Here are some tips to get you started.

Minimize Distractions

There are going to be cats. Give them places to be besides on the keyboard. Start with an in-box sort of option. There are portable file drawers that have rollers too. Additionally, always have an extra chair because they will take your spot.

There are going to be dogs. All dogs need is a study station bed as close to you as possible. You will need one bed for each pupper. They must be able to see you from where they snooze.

When there are other people, there are other considerations to be taken...