This has been one helluva Summer in Houston, as well as all over our country. It has been too hot to wear clothes, much less make a pot of soup. The air conditioning is designed to lower the temperatures only twenty degrees, which means when it is 105° outside, I can only expect it to get down to 85° inside. Thank goodness for fans. The arrival of September gives us hope, but we haven’t seen rain for most of the Summer. Rain would bring clouds and clouds would shade us from the heat…at least a little bit. So thinking about sweaters and soup and spice cakes has been really hard. What’s a Feng Shui-wise person do to?
Create baby steps in that direction. We’ve got less than two weeks until the Autumn Equinox, so we can begin to put away the Summer decor. Take down the Summer wreath and replace it with a sunflower wreath. Replace baskets of shells with baskets of apples. Change your kitchen towels. Make a salad with kale and cranberries. Make cinnamon toast in the broiler to enjoy with your coffee. Change your personal scent. Wear different jewelry. Start thinking about how you want to celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. My daughters have put out Halloween decorations already. I’m thinking I will put some out too.
If I wait until October, then I don’t really have enough time to enjoy them. You get to decide for yourself. Would it be too early to see a pumpkin around the house?