At 11:59:59PM, December 31st, 2023 the old year dies and the new year is born. Your challenge is to shift the energies that have been hanging around for 365 days out of your environment, so you can welcome in the fresh new energies of 2024. You need to consider to what level you intend to scrape out the past and even chase away any lingering leftovers.
The Chinese use fireworks for this purpose. The loud sudden bangs scare away the old energy, making way for the new. Just like hand grenades scare away an enemy who is trying to take over your lands. Sound is an incredibly powerful tool to use when chasing away unwanted entities. You can scream at people, curse at unwanted visitors, or even yell “HEY!” or “GET OUT!” if you want someone gone. You can also light a string of black cats on your porch.
Time, however, doesn’t really speak English. Time speaks energy. When you allow the energy in your home to get stagnant in the corners, under the bed, or behind the furniture, you will find dust bunnies and hair balls there. Dead bug bodies and spider webs also indicate the lack of energy freshening. Look at the edges of your bed frame and run your finger along its surface to see how much dust and skin has gathered there.
The good news is you have a few weeks - three to be exact - to get the stale chi freshened and reactivated. Purification revitalizes vibrant life forces. Just deep clean before the year ends and you’ll be good to go.