The Year of the Water Tiger brought the end of a long cat nap. Humanity was due to wake up, whether that required a bucket of water over their sleeping body or a smack upside their head. Emotions were yanked and the Tiger roared, looking around for a safe path to the natural protection of its camouflage.
The Year of the Water Rabbit brings us to the dawn of a brand new day. Humanity is freed from its safety zone, where it hid from Covid’s life-threatening dangers. Now the Rabbit rises with the Sun and looks for opportunities, so we are wise to seek to get our goals activated by taking steps early and following the path that the Tiger opened in 2022. The Rabbit may be a small animal, but every hop it takes forward is like thunder rumbling through the Earth. It is the power of intention, not the amount of muscle that reveals the drive toward the goal and gets us there.
The Rabbit (or Hare or Cat) is the fourth earthly branch of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals. The energy it brings resonates with prosperity, growth, and expansion. Time has now aligned for everyone and everything to blossom forth. Put your Rabbit nose into the breeze and let your whiskers wiggle. The life of beauty, truth, and integrity you have hungered for will be served with the New Moon on January 22, 2023. The Rabbit hops into the Light of Day, celebrating everything.